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BPMN Modeling Best Practices


Process Scope

 Clearly define the scope of the Process by identifying the Who, What, When, Where and Why of your process (the Process is the How)
 Identify what each instance of your Process will represent
i  Instances are discreet and identifiable: you can refer to each one of them and can count them
 Identify the potential alternative ways to trigger the Process using Start Events
 Identify the potential alternative end states of the instances of the Process using End Events


Diagram layouts

 Aim for BPMN Diagrams that fit one page
 Layout your BPMN Diagrams neatly to ease readability by minimizing flow crossing
 Use consistent layout with horizontal Sequence Flows and vertical Data Associations and Message Flows
i  BPMN Diagrams are not strict temporal orderings (as it is possible to loop back) but most readers expect a left-to-right ordering
 Do not create zigzag layouts of elements
 It should be clear what the primary (“Happy”) path of the Process is
 Whenever possible, externalize the business rules from the Process to create more concise and more agile Process models using Business Rule Tasks
 Create alternative visualizations of the same Process for different communication purposes and stakeholders. For example:
 A summary Diagram with all Sub-Processes and Call Activities collapsed and not showing any Data Objects
 A verbose Diagram with all Sub-Processes and Call Activities expanded, showing all Data Objects and Annotations


Process Partitioning and Structure

 Create hierarchical multi layers of details for your Process
 Use Sub-Processes to split your Process into "phases"
 Use Call Activities to re-use other Processes


Start and End Events

 Always use Start and End Events
 Distinguish alternative instantiation of the process as separate Start Events
 Distinguish various end states as separate End Events
 Flows that end in the same end state should be merged to the same End Event



 Always use Gateways to depict split or merge of flows
x  Do not use mixt mode Gateways (both diverging and converging)
 Always place an Activity that will determine the diverging condition(s) just before a diverging Gateway of type Exclusive, Inclusive and Complex
i  A benefit ' of this best practice is that this decision Activity can now be interrupted if need be
 Abstract multiple daisy-chained diverging Gateways into a Business Rule Task
i  A benefit of this best practice is simplification of overloaded diagrams



x  Do not model the internal process under focus into a Pool
i  Without a Pool to label, one will not have the opportunity to fall into the bad practice of naming the Pool with the Process Name