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BPMN Clarifications


Following are a few clarifications regarding some common misconceptions in BPMN:


Processes, Models, Diagrams and Files

i  In BPMN there is no equivalence between: Process, Model, Diagram and File
i  A BPMN Model may contain one or more BPMN Business Process (such as in Collaborations)
i  Various portions of a BPMN Model may be saved in various Files
i  A BPMN Diagram depicts a subset (maybe complete) of a BPMN Process Model
i  A BPMN Model may be depicted using multiple Diagrams



x  A BPMN Diagram is not a Dataflow diagram
i  Although Data Objects are now first class entities in BPMN. It is not recommended to try to model Dataflow using BPMN



x Gateway are not decisions
i Gateways do not make decisions they only direct the flow
 A decision outcome should be determined in an Activity prior to the Gateway


Manual, Automated and Semi-automated Tasks

 Use a Manual Task to depict work effort expected to be performed without the aid of any software application
 Use a User Task to depict semi-automated work effort where a human performer uses a software application to complete the Task
 Use a Service Task to depict an automated work effort


Sending and Receiving Messages

 Use a Message Event if the sending or receiving of the Message is considered instantaneous
Message Task if the sending or receiving of the Message can be interrupted
i  From a temporal perspective; an Event maps to a time point on a time line and a Task maps to a time interval